Economy India

 Kautilya Arthshastra And The Science Of Management released at NIT Cherrapunji (Meghalaya)

 Kautilya Arthshastra And The Science Of

Management released at NIT Cherrapunji (Meghalaya)

Dr. Pardeep Kumar Prof. of Economics NIILM University Kaithal (Haryana) attended three
days ICSSR sponsored conference at National Institute of Technology (NIT) cherrapunji
(Meghalaya). In inaugural session after the souveneir his translated book “Kautilya Arthshastra
And The Science Of Management” with Dr. Raj Pal written by Dr. S.D. Chamola was released
by the conference President Prof. Sanjay Paswan, organizing secretary Dr. Alok Sharma, VC
Dr. Mohan Patel Kach University (Gujrat), Prof. P Mahanta Director and Dr. Akhilinder Partap
Singh NIT Cherrapunji, Prof. M.S. Kalmkar director Agro Research centre SPU Anand (Gujrat)
and Swami Anuraga Nand Secretary Rama Krishna Mission, cherrapunji. On this occasion Dr.
Daleep Kumar Vice President, Dr. Puleen Nayak (Ex – Director Delhi School of Economics)
and other distinguished guests were also present. Prof. (Dr.) Pardeep Kumar presided over a
technical session and presented a research paper with Dr. Parveen Kumar on “NEP 2020: Its
impact and challenges on the quality of education”. Prof. Pardeep Kumar shared his views and
laid stress upon the employment oriented National Education Policy. To achieve this objective
he further added that skill development centres should he opened at large scale at every stage.
Monitoring is also the need of the hour to make necessary changes in the teaching – learning
process. He concluded with the remarks that emphasis should he laid upon research and
development to achieve the target of developed economy in the age of globalization.

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